"The material is called Nayat or Snow Runner"
BIG 10inch fly with a Nayat+flash front part. The title is the answer to about 50% of fly tying material related questions I get online. Even though Nayat has been around for a while it's only now starting to get wide spread international interest and you can get a lot more useful information on how to properly use it. I'm hoping that this small article will be among the most useful ones. So what is Nayat? From what I know it's a specific goat or sheep breed. Unfortunately I don't know anything more about it's origins. The fur ranges from semi soft to semi coarse (overall its a pretty soft fur) and it retains water. The magic thing about Nayat however is that it sheds water substantially faster than other soft furs. It dries up at least three times quicker than icelandic sheep hair and nearly six times faster than fox hair etc. It is probably the fastest drying soft hair on the market. It also retains it shape significantly better in the water than many other sof...