
Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been writing anything lately. The last month has been terrible. Complete chaos at work and the weather has been extremely cold. The result of all this has been a slight case of depression and a big case of fly tying and alcohol drinking:).

I've tied all kinds of flies, but mostly saltwater patterns and salmon tubes.

Now it's about time to get my shit together and start working on a few articles and also focus a bit more on this blog of mine.

Here's a few pics of the flies that have come out of the bench lately.


  1. Thou shalt be forgiven, my young padawan.

  2. Could you share the recipe for those trout tinsels on the bottom, they indeed look better than mine :)

  3. The one on the left is made from white slinky fiber. I have mixed some silver flash in to it. There's also a few wraps of silver Polar chenille in the front part of the fly to buff it up a bit. The black part is black angel hair. Epoxy head.
    I just build up the fly gradually. Lenghtening it bit by bit and tying only small portions of slinky at one time. This way it moves more freely in the water.

    The middle one has a pink strike spot in the back and a silver body. The wing has some bucktail in the bottom, some white fox hair in the middle and black angel hair on top. The throat is white bucktail.

    The one on the right is basicly tied the same way as the one on the left, but with white bucktail.

  4. Ok, thanks, have to tie some samples for testing.


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