Vision Ace skagit

Sorry for my long brake... I'll explain later...

I have been using the new Vision Ace skagit heads a lot this season and thought I'd write some sort of review about them.

The heads are white in color with heavy duty loops at both ends. There's also a print at the front loop that tells you the grain weight of the head. Vision sells them with a ready looped T-14 tip that's matched to the head.

The heads were designed by a group of two handed fly fisherman that I respect a lot: Antti Guttorm, Mattias Drugge and Tuomas Rytkönen. I really dig your style and casting gents!

Tapering on these heads is pretty standard modern skagit head stuff, but I really like the way they engineered the front tapering. It gives you a smooth, but powerful turnover. Just the way I like it!!

Actually the front tapering is so nice that this line has become my favorite head for intermediate and sink 2/3 tips and smaller tubes/doubles. The straight, no kinks turnover makes it nicer to use with lighter stuff then some of the other skagit heads around. But don't get me wrong, it's by no means a "ladys" skagit and it will turn heavy tips and bulky flies. It just does it in style.

I'm a bit of a weirdo and like to do things my own way so I also use these lines as a normal shooting head with single speys and they work like a charm for that stuff also. I think the beuty of these heads is the fact that you can use say a 520gr as a "real" skagit on your 7wt and use the same line as a normal shooting head on your 8 or 9wt rods with lighter tips. So don't be afraid of the label - you don't have to use it as a true and blue skagit. You can just think about it as a very good scandinavian shooting head on steroids!

These powerful, modern and versitale shooting heads with the skagit label on it, have been my go to lines for many years now, so it's nice to have another option out there. I just love the way they fish and cast and it's been nice to see that other people are also starting to use them. Go Ace of Spey!!

Some pics and a dorky youtube clip that I made about the line.

The line!

Da loops + some flies

200lb of Finnish idiot with a 45 1/2inch Atlantic salmon caught with The Ace skagit

Ace skagit Chinook

Biggest doe Chum I've ever caught(just shy of 20lb)


  1. Absolutely my favorite skagit line, I have couple for my #7 two handers.

  2. Vision actually made intermediate version of Ace Skagit -head:

  3. Hi Rane! I'll be doing a review on those intermediates too so stay tuned. Might take a while because of the weather...

  4. A nice one skagit actually. I am just a beginner in fishing so I haven't tried using some skagit but I think I have to start using it.

    tennessee fly fishing


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